photograpy by David Kendal from Falkirk. TheTamshee says: the Sal spent some time studying the geology at Broadford on the isle of Skye. Throughout our courtings days we spent many memorable days hiking around this glorious island. Skinny dipping at Marsco left a lasting impression.

While staying at the Broadford Hotel on another occassion TheTamshee decided to book a seafood resturant-thinking it was on the island off course. Taxi, arrived and proceeded across the toll bridge ( still paying in those days ) to take us to the Seafood Resturant at railway station. The blue-and-white clapboard building, from 1880, was originally a waiting room for rail passengers en route to other destinations; now it's one of the most frequented restaurants in town. The menu items are flavorful but unfussy, prepared with attention to detail. The best examples are Lochalsh langoustines in herb-flavored butter sauce and local queen scallops in white-wine sauce. Brilliant meal, rather expensive taxi fare-but we laughed out loud.
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